Volumes and issues

Number 1 Number 2
Pages 265-278
Bashir Ahmad, Sotiris K. Ntouyas
A higher-order nonlocal three-point boundary value problem for sequential fractional differential equations
Download: mmn_589.pdf - details
Pages 279-285
A. Amini-Harandi
Fixed point theorems for some generalized nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
Download: mmn_720.pdf - details
Pages 287-292
A. Armandnejad, M. Jamshidi
Multiplicative isomorphisms at invertible matrices
Download: mmn_1156.pdf - details
Pages 293-303
K. Aydemir, O. SH. Mukhtarov
Completeness of one two-interval boundary value problem with transmission conditions
Download: mmn_1229.pdf - details
Pages 305-316
Mahdieh Azari, Ali Iranmanesh
The second edge-Wiener index of some composite graphs
Download: mmn_1006.pdf - details
Pages 317-325
Abdelmalek Azizi, Mohammed Talbi
Galois group for some class field
Download: mmn_723.pdf - details
Pages 327-332
Hüseyin Bor, Dansheng Yu, Ping Zhou
A new result on the quasi power increasing sequences
Download: mmn_1059.pdf - details
Pages 333-344
Sanda Bujačić
Two divisors of $(n^2+1)/2$ summing up to $\delta*n+\epsilon$, for $\delta$ and $\epsilon$ even
Download: mmn_1123.pdf - details
Pages 345-359
Nursel Çetin, Sevilay Kirci Serenbay, Çiğdem Atakut
Approximation by a generalized Szász type operator for functions of two variables
Download: mmn_666.pdf - details
Pages 361-371
Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolaŕík
Variety of orthomodular posets
Download: mmn_771.pdf - details
Pages 373-381
Shun-Xuan Chen, Zhi-Qiang Zhu
Practical stability of impulsive functional differential systems via analysis techniques
Download: mmn_1117.pdf - details
Pages 383-392
O. YU. Dashkova
Modules over group rings of locally soluble groups with a certain condition of minimality
Download: mmn_1240.pdf - details
Pages 393-400
Oktay Duman
Nonlinear Bernstein-type operators providing a better error estimation
Download: mmn_1136.pdf - details
Pages 401-422
N. V. Dung
Remarks on quasi-metric spaces
Download: mmn_1139.pdf - details
Pages 423-437
Hemen Dutta
Some iterated convergence and fixed point theorems in real linear $n$-normed spaces
Download: mmn_1158.pdf - details
Pages 439-446
A.M.A. El-Sayed, E.O. Bin-Taher
Nonlocal and integral conditions problems for a multi-term fractional-order differential equation
Download: mmn_533.pdf - details
Pages 447-458
I. Fekete, I. Faragó
N-stability of the $\theta$-method for reaction-diffusion problems
Download: mmn_735.pdf - details
Pages 459-465
Przemysław Górka, Anna Macios
The Riesz-Kolmogorov theorem on metric spaces
Download: mmn_784.pdf - details
Pages 467-479
Ismail Gök, O. Zeki Okuyucu, Nejat Ekmekci, Yusuf Yayli
On Mannheim partner curves in three dimensional Lie groups
Download: mmn_682.pdf - details
Pages 481-488
Xiangqian Guo, Fengdan Hou, Xuewen Liu
Natural density of relative coprime polynomials in $\mathbb{F}_q[x]$
Download: mmn_1075.pdf - details
Pages 489-496
Kostaq Hila, Jani Dine
On Green's equivalences in $\Gamma$-groupoids
Download: mmn_755.pdf - details
Pages 497-508
Adrian D. Indrea, Ovidiu T. Pop
Some general Baskakov type operators
Download: mmn_744.pdf - details
Pages 509-524
Levent Kargin, Veli Kurt
On generalized Humbert matrix polynomials
Download: mmn_1155.pdf - details
Pages 525-535
Deniz Katar, Murat Olgun, Cafer Coskun
Principal functions of matrix Sturm-Liouville operators with boundary conditions dependent on the spectral parameter
Download: mmn_1173.pdf - details
Pages 537-544
Behrooz Khosravi, Bahman Khosravi, Behnam Khosravi, Zahra Momen
Recognition by character degree graph and order of simple groups of order less than 6000
Download: mmn_777.pdf - details
Pages 545-557
Emrah Kiliç
A proof of a conjecture of Marques and Trojovsky
Download: mmn_556.pdf - details
Pages 559-569
Emine Koç, Öznur Gölbaşi
A note on $(\sigma,\tau)$-derivations of rings with involution
Download: mmn_476.pdf - details
Pages 571-584
Bülent Köklüce, Nesibe Tüfekçi
Characterization of $V(\mathbb{Z}C^+_n )$ of rank $\le 4$
Download: mmn_746.pdf - details
Pages 585-591
Wenjun Liu
New integral inequalities involving beta function via $P$-convexity
Download: mmn_660.pdf - details
Pages 593-602
Xiu Liu, Lan Shu, Xiuyong Ding
Diagonal common quadratic Lyapunov functions for sets of positive LTI systems
Download: mmn_367.pdf - details
Pages 603-614
Mohammed Moussi
Controllability of nonautonomous boundary integrodifferential Cauchy problems
Download: mmn_1074.pdf - details
Pages 615-623
Mehdi Omidvari, S. M. Vaezpour, Reza Saadati
Best proximity point theorems for $F$-contractive non-self mappings
Download: mmn_1011.pdf - details
Pages 625-633
Sevda Orhan, Fadime Dirik, Kamil Demirci
A Korovkin-type approximation theorem for double sequences of positive linear operators of two variables in statistical $A$-summability sense
Download: mmn_658.pdf - details
Pages 635-649
M. E. Özdemir, Mustafa Gürbüz, Çetin Yildiz
Inequalities for mappings whose second derivativesare quasi-convex or $h$-convex functions
Download: mmn_643.pdf - details
Pages 651-663
Piotr Pokora
Rank function equations and their solution sets
Download: mmn_1153.pdf - details
Pages 665-675
Feng Qi, Wen-Hui Li
A unified proof of several inequalities and some new inequalities involving Neuman-S\'andor mean
Download: mmn_1176.pdf - details
Pages 677-690
Mourad Rahmani
Generalized Stirling transform
Download: mmn_1084.pdf - details
Pages 691-709
M. H.M. Rashid, A. Al-Omari
Existence solution of neutral fractional differential equation inclusions with fractional operator
Download: mmn_372.pdf - details
Pages 711-716
Abdolrahman Razani
An existence theorem for ordinary differential equation in Menger probabilistic metric space
Download: mmn_640.pdf - details
Pages 717-724
Nadeem ur Rehman, Mohd Arif Raza
On ideals with skew derivations of prime rings
Download: mmn_1217.pdf - details
Pages 725-742
Miklós Rontó, Yana Varha
Constructive existence analysis of solutions of non-linear integral boundaryvalue problems
Download: mmn_1319.pdf - details
Pages 743-752
Yongping Sun, Min Zhao, Shuihong Li
Monotone positive solution of nonlinear third-order two-point boundary value problem
Download: mmn_615.pdf - details
Pages 753-760
Faramarz Tahamtani, Amir Peyravi
General decay of solutions for a nonlinear viscoelastic wave equation with nonlocal boundary damping
Download: mmn_799.pdf - details
Pages 761-770
Bahram Vakili, Jafar Azami
Weakly Laskerian modules and weak cofiniteness
Download: mmn_608.pdf - details
Pages 771-780
Isa Yildirim
On convergence of an implicit algorithm for multivalued mappings in Banach spaces
Download: mmn_510.pdf - details
Pages 781-799
Xiaopeng Zhao, Bo Liu, Peng Zhang
The Fourier spectral approximation for Kolmogorov-Spiegel-Sivashinsky equation
Download: mmn_554.pdf - details