Volumes and issues

Number 1 Number 2

Volume 1 (2000), Number 2
Pages 87-98
N. Kwami Agbeko
How to characterize some properties of measurable functions
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Pages 99-107
Michal Fečkan
Periodic and chaotic solutions in infinite dimensional systems
Download: mmn_23.pdf - details
Pages 109-118
Aurél Galántai
Componentwise perturbation bounds for the $LU$, $LDU$ and $LDT^T$ decompositions
Download: mmn_24.pdf - details
Pages 119-126
Mihály Hujter
Partitioning the $N$-space into collinear sets of orthans
Download: mmn_25.pdf - details
Pages 127-133
Imre Juhász
Computing volume of solids bounded by Bézier surfaces
Download: mmn_26.pdf - details
Pages 135-143
Irena Rachůnková, Milan Tvrdý
Method of lower and upper functions and the existence of solutions to singular periodic problems for nonlinear differential equations of order two
Download: mmn_27.pdf - details
Pages 145-156
Sándor Radeleczki
Classification systems and the decompositions of a lattice into direct products
Download: mmn_28.pdf - details
Pages 157-166
Miklós Rontó, Tamara Csikos-Marinets
On the investigation of some non-linear boundary value problems with parameters
Download: mmn_29.pdf - details
Pages 167-170
Kurt W. Tomantschger
Solutions of a system of second-order ordinary differential equations
Download: mmn_30.pdf - details