Guide for authors

Authors can submit manuscripts by choosing an appropriate executive. Please note, that executive editors deal exclusively with submissions related to their special fields listed under their names.

Manuscript submission

Registered users can submit a manuscript, using the electronic editorial system of the MMN. There is no other option for submission. The manuscript should be written in English.

LaTeX and BiBTeX files are required, the corresponding PDF file is automatically generated. Optional Figures can also be uploaded. The preferred file formats are EPS, PDF and PNG but any file format is accepted which is supported by the package graphicx. Note, that in the printed version of the journal, figures will be greyscale.

MMN publishes papers not exceeding 16 pages. The maximum number of cited references is 25. Authors should provide the existing DOI numbers of references in the BiBTeX file.

The author has to choose an executive editor according to the topic of the manuscript.

Submission of a manuscript to Miskolc Mathematical Notes implies that it has not been published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere, and that required permissions for publication, if needed, have already been obtained from appropriate sources.

Typesetting instructions

In order to meet the technical requirements, our sample files have to be used, which can be found in:

This compressed file contains all necessary sample files, which are needed for the preparation of a successful manuscript submission. Always use the latest version of the sample files.

Please, use the styles of our sample source file without any modification and avoid defining your custom TeX/ LaTeX commands.

Preparation of the bibliography

To typeset the bibliography, the use of BiBTeX is compulsory. Your LaTeX and BiBTeX files must have the same name, e.g., Smith.tex and Smith.bib.

If the cited reference has a DOI number, it has to be included in the BiBTeX file, using the DOI field (e.g., DOI = {10.1137/050641867}). Please, check the DOI numbers of your references. For this purpose you can use, e.g., Zentralblatt.

A note for Scientific Word/Workplace users

If you use Windows and Scientific Word/Workplace, please make sure that you save your LaTeX manuscript as the so-called Portable LaTeX. The final manuscript should not contain any non-standard macros (in particular, no “ \input tcilatex.tex” statement).

Note for environment eqnarray users

The LaTeX environment eqnarray or eqnarray* is an old and bad configured command. Because of the fact that its implementation is based upon the environment array the output is unpleasing. If we use this old environment the spaces before and after operators, e.g., + or = will be larger than normally.

Do not use this obsolete environment, please. Replace it with other stable and well defined mathematical environments to handle formulas with multiple rows. You can use environments, like align (align*) or aligned (aligned*) or multline (multline*) or gather (gathered*), etc.

If there are happen to be environments eqnarray or eqnarray* in your manuscript, then you have to eliminate them, upon the request of the technical editor, before the technical acceptance.

Downloadable files

This is yet another place where you can download the files which will help in preparing a manuscript for submission.

A sample AMS-LaTeX paper showing the general style of Miskolc Mathematical Notes

The bibliography style file (to be used with BiBTeX)


We recommend you to use the following excellent reference materials, available from the American Mathematical Society, when preparing your LaTeX file:

Here are some more links to useful documentations available from CTAN:

Software and LaTeX environments

We recommend the following systems of LaTeX for manuscript preparation:
  • MikTeX (free software) only for Windows.
  • TeXlive (free software) both for Windows and Linux.

Recommended text editors

For the creation of the LaTex source, we recommend the integrated writing environment
  • TeXstudio (free software) for all major operating systems, e.g., Windows or Linux.