
A Study of q-analogue of the analytic characterization of Limacon functions

Kanwal Jabeen; Afis Saliu;


The investigation of Ma and Minda classes of functions associated with $q$-calculus has been on increase in recent times. Newly, lima\c{c}on functions, the classes of starlike and convex lima\c{c}on functions were initiated and investigated in the literature. As a result, the present article is aimed at presenting the $q$-analogue of the lima\c{c}on functions and utilize it to establish the classes of starlike and convex lima\c{c}on functions that are correlated with quantum calculus. To this end, the geometric characterization of these functions is examined. Moreover, radius, subordination and some other related results with these novel classes are verified. Overall, some consequences of our investigations are also illustrated

Vol. 24 (2023), No. 1, pp. 179-195

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