
On (p, q)-extension of further members of Bessel-Struve functions class

Rakesh K. Parmar; Tibor K. Pogány;


In [10] $(p, q)$-extensions of the modified Bessel and the modified Struve functions of the first kind are presented. This article companion to [10] contains the $(p, q)$-extension of modified Struve function of the second kind ${\bf M}_{\nu, p, q}$ and the Bessel-Struve kernel function $S_{\nu, p, q}$. Systematic investigation of its properties, among integral representation, Mellin transform, Laguerre polynomial representation for both introduced special functions, while additional differential-difference equation, log-convexity property and Tur\'{a}n-type inequalities are realized for the latter.

Vol. 20 (2019), No. 1, pp. 451-463

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