
An analog of Neifeld's connection induced on the space of centred planes

Olga Belova;


The paper concerns to investigations in the field of differential geometry. It is realized by a method of prolongations and scopes of G.F.~Laptev which generalizes a moving frame method and Cartan's exterior forms method and bases on calculation of exterior differential forms. The space $\Pi$ of centred $m$--planes is considered in projective space $P_n$. Principal fiber bundle is arised above $\Pi$. An analog of Neifeld's connection is given in this principal fibering. It is proved that the analog of the Norden normalization of the space of centred planes induces Neifeld's connection. The torsion of Neifeld's connection analog is introduced. It is shown, that this object is a tensor.

Vol. 19 (2018), No. 2, pp. 749-754

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