
The induced subgraph of the unitary Cayley graph of a commutative ring over regular elements

Ali Reza Naghipour;


Let $R$ be a finite commutative ring and $R^*$ be the group of units of $R$. The unitary Cayley graph of $R$, denoted by $G(R)$, is the graph obtained by setting all the elements of $R$ to be the vertices and defining vertices $x$ and $y$ to be adjacent if and only if $x-y\in R^{*}$. We denote by ${\Gamma}(R)$ the induced subgraph of $G(R)$ whose vertex set is $R^{*}$. In this paper, the basic properties of ${\Gamma}(R)$ are investigated and some characterization results regarding connectedness, chromatic number, chromatic index, girth and planarity of ${\Gamma}(R)$ are given. In addition, by using the concept of spectrum of graphs, it is shown that for two finite commutative rings $R$ and $S$, if ${\Gamma}(R)$ is non empty, then ${\Gamma}(R)\cong {\Gamma}(S)$ as graphs if and only if $R/J(R)\cong S/J(R)$ as rings, where $J(R)$ and $J(S)$ are the Jacobson radicals of $R$ and $S$, respectively. As a consequence of this result, we obtain that the structure of a reduced ring $R$ can be determined by ${\Gamma}(R)$.

Vol. 17 (2016), No. 2, pp. 965-977

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