
Bifurcation Problems for Noncompact Operators


Under new hypotheses, and using the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction, we study the branches of bifurcation of a nonlinear equation of the type $u - \lambda Lu + G(\lambda, u) = 0$, in a neighborhood $W$ of a particular solution $(\lambda_0, 0)\in \mathbb{R}\times X$, where $X$ is a real Banach space, $L$ a non-compact linear operator defines on $X$ and $G$ is a nonlinear operator defined on $W$ to values in $X$. This type of bifurcation problems ( bifurcation from the trivial branch ) have different applications such as resolution of differential equations as those of Von-Karmann and Navier-Stokes or to integral equations as the Urysohn's one.

Vol. 17 (2016), No. 1, pp. 571-580

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